Sunday, 31 January 2016

Linens & Decor by Singapore Tentage

These called "Side Drapes" to give it a more elegant and high end feel.

For Singapore Tentage we have the following setups:

1) Basic Tentage
What does that mean?
Ans: It's a basic skeleton tentage

2) Basic Tentage with Fans & Lights
What does that mean?
Ans: It's a basic skeleton tentage with ceiling rotating fans and general lightings

3) Half Dressing Tentage & Fully Dressing Tentages with Fans & Lights
What does that mean?
Ans: The whole lot.
**Different color linen will have different prices. FYI.

Our customers often tell us that they are "afraid" that the tentages will look like a typical "Funeral" in Singapore but with a few decorations using lights ie. Fairy Lights and Linens it makes a big difference. Play with lights and colors are our best advice for any weddings or corporate festive events.

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